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Umthengisi Omkhulu Kunabo Bonke Wochungechunge Ufaka Umkhiqizi WaseChina Kusukela 2004


I-Tangless Thread Insert/

Metric Tangless Thread Insert

Igama lomkhiqizo Metric Tangless Thread Insert
I gama le-brand I-Boeran
Ukwelashwa kwendawo I-Stainless Steel-Pasivated
Okubalulekile Stainless steel304
Uhlobo Metric Tangless
Isikhathi esiholayo Isitoko
Isicelo Indiza,Ezezimoto,Imishini, Motorsport nezinye izimboni
Ukuhlolwa kokwethembeka Ubukhulu bemishini,test ubulukhuni.isifutho sikasawoti endurance test
Le yindawo ka Origin Shen Zhen,China
Isitifiketi ISO 9001:2015;I-IATF 16949:2016;SGS
Isevisi ye-OEM Kuyamukeleka
  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo
  • Imibuzo Evame Ukubuzwa
  • Packing & Delivery
  • Ukulanda Kwekhathalogi

Metric Tangless Thread Inserts offer the same reliable thread strengthening as tanged inserts but with a crucial advantage – they eliminate the need for a tang during installation. This absence of a tang significantly reduces the risk of metal fragments falling into critical applications, such as engines or electronic equipment.

These Tangless wire thread inserts are available in two variations: free-running and screw-locking.

In contrast, tanged inserts require the tang to be broken off for male threaded fasteners to be properly positioned. This additional step increases overall installation time, necessitates extra tooling, and ultimately results in higher installation costs. Tangless wire thread inserts eliminate this process entirely, resulting in a more cost-effective installation per hole.

Furthermore, in applications involving blind holes, tanged inserts demand extra space beneath the insert to accommodate tang removal without harming the parent material. When using Tangless wire thread inserts, this required space is significantly reduced, leading to a reduction in both the size and weight of machined parts.

tangless thread insert






Drawing No. dxp Kxd L w d1 min. d1 max B Tap Drill Size
Free Running Screw- Lock
L 4020011 L 4022011 M3X0.5 1d 3.00 3.750 3.80 4.35 3.20
L 4020012 L 4022012 1.5d 4.50 6.375 3.80 4.35 3.20
L 4020013 L 4022013 2d 6.00 8.875 3.80 4.35 3.20
L 4020021 L 4022021 M4X0.7 1d 4.00 3.625 5.05 5.60 4.20
L 4020022 L 4022022 1.5d 6.00 6.125 5.05 5.60 4.20
L 4020023 L 4022023 2d 8.00 8.625 5.05 5.60 4.20
L 4020031 L 4022031 M5X0.8 1d 5.00 4.125 6.25 6.80 5.20
L 4020032 L 4022032 1.5d 7.50 6.875 6.25 6.80 5.20
L 4020033 L 4022033 2d 10.00 9.625 6.25 6.80 5.20
L 4020041 L 4022041 M6X1.0 1d 6.00 4.000 7.40 7.95 6.30
L 4020042 L 4022042 1.5d 9.00 6.750 7.40 7.95 6.30
L 4020043 L 4022043 2d 12.00 9.500 7.40 7.95 6.30
L 4020051 L 4022051 M8X1.25 1d 8.00 4.500 9.80 10.35 8.40
L 4020052 L 4022052 1.5d 12.00 7.375 9.80 10.35 8.40
L 4020053 L 4022053 2d 16.00 10.250 9.80 10.35 8.40
L 4020061 L 4022061 M10X1.5 1d 10.00 4.875 11.95 12.50 10.50
L 4020062 L 4022062 1.5d 15.00 8.000 11.95 12.50 10.50
L 4020063 L 4022063 2d 20.00 11.125 11.95 12.50 10.50
L 4020071 L 4022071 M12X1.75 1d 12.00 5.000 14.30 15.00 12.50
L 4020072 L 4022072 1.5d 18.00 8.250 14.30 15.00 12.50
L 4020073 L 4022073 2d 24.00 11.500 14.30 15.00 12.50
L 4020081 L 4022081 M14X2.0 1d 14.00 5.250 16.80 17.50 14.50
L 4020082 L 4022082 1.5d 21.00 8.575 16.80 17.50 14.50
L 4020083 L 4022083 2d 28.00 11.900 16.80 17.50 14.50

Q: Ingabe uyinkampani yokuhweba noma umkhiqizi?

A: Singumkhiqizi ngaphezulu 20 iminyaka e-Shen Zhen,China .

Q: Singakanani isikhathi sakho sokulethwa?

A: Ngokuvamile kuba 3 izinsuku uma izimpahla zisesitokweni. noma yi-7days uma izimpahla zingekho esitokweni, ngokwenani.

Q: Uyawahlinzeka ngamasampula? Ingabe kumahhala noma ngaphezulu?

A: Yebo, singanikeza amasampula mahhala, kodwa ayikho imali yokuthumela.

Q: Ithini imigomo yakho yokukhokha?

A: Inkokhelo<=5000USD, 100% ngaphambili. Inkokhelo>=5000USD, 30% T/T kusengaphambili ,ibhalansi ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa. Siyakwamukela kweminye imigomo.

Q: Iyini imigomo yakho yentengo?


Q: Lithini ibanga lomkhiqizo wakho?

A: Ibanga lomkhiqizo wethu lihlanganisa ukufaka ukhiye wokukhiya, i-self taping thread insert, faka intambo yocingo, ithuluzi lokufaka intambo engenamsila, ikhithi yokulungisa intambo, njll. Sisebenzisa ngokuqinile amazinga ekhwalithi ahlukahlukene njenge-GB, ISO, KUSUKA, HE, AISI NFE, I-BSW, njll., futhi wamukele imikhiqizo engeyona ejwayelekile.

Q: Indlela yokuqinisekisa Ikhwalithi Yezingxenye Zezimboni?

A: Besilokhu sisensimini yesixhumi ngaphezulu 20 iminyaka enolwazi olugcwele. Futhi zikhona 5 ihlola kukho konke ukucutshungulwa, Sine-IQC (ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi okungenayo), IPQCS (esigabeni sokulawula ikhwalithi), I-FQC (ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi yokugcina) kanye ne-OQC (ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi okuphumayo) ukulawula inqubo ngayinye yokukhiqiza izingxenye zezimboni.

Q: Kungani kufanele ngikhethe wena? Yiziphi izinzuzo zakho?

A: Singumkhiqizi ochwepheshe oneminyaka eminingi yokukhiqiza kanye nesipiliyoni sokuphatha emkhakheni wezinsimbi. Singanikeza amakhasimende ethu izixazululo ezinhle mayelana nomklamo wokukhiqiza, ubuchwepheshe bokukhiqiza, isevisi yokupakisha kanye ne-after-sales. Ukwaneliseka kwekhasimende kuwukuphela kokuphishekela kwethu.

Siyabonga ngesikhathi sakho! Ukwaneliseka kwakho kanye nempendulo yakho enhle kuwumsebenzi wethu waphakade!

Uma unomunye umbuzo, pls zizwe ukhululekile ukusithinta nganoma yisiphi isikhathi .


Imininingwane yephakheji: 1. ukupakisha iphepha noma ukupakisha kwepulasitiki 2. ukupakisha ibhokisi 3. ukupakisha ngokhuni


Singakunikeza izindlela eziningi zokuthumela izimpahla zakho, okuhlanganisa ulwandle nomoya, kanye nezinkulumo eziningi: I-DHL/FedEx/UPS/TNT/SF/EMS, njalo njalo .


shiya impendulo

43 + = 52

Shiya umlayezo

    96 − 90 =