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O'shandan beri ip qo'shimchalarining eng yirik eksportchisi Xitoy ishlab chiqaruvchisi 2004



O'z-o'zidan tegib qo'yishning ishlash tafsilotlari

Performance Details

The use of self-tapping inserts has significant advantages over pre-tapped holes, kalıplanmış qo'shimchalar va simli ipli qo'shimchalar. Ular to'g'ridan-to'g'ri asosiy materialga tegish uchun zarur bo'lgan yaqin bardoshlik teshiklarini yo'q qiladi, damaged tools and low productivity resulting from moulded-in inserts and the time consuming process of placing wire thread inserts into pre-tapped holes. The use of a self-tapping insert can result in a reduction in thread size required because of the insert’s large effective shear surface saving material and reducing cost and weight.

External Thread Interference


For a work-piece made of a light alloy, this diagram illustrates clearly that whilst correct hole sizes are important for product reliability, the self-tapping insert 302 achieves almost maximum pull-out with only 30% external thread interference.

Pullout Resistance

In light alloy, the self-tapping steel insert resists a pullout force in excess of the yield point of an 8.8 grade bolt.



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