Eaha te mea e tupu mai:86-18681431102 Imere:info@boeraneinsert.com

No ni'a ia tatou A farerei mai ia matou |

Te mau tao'a e hoo - rahi - roa ' ' e - hia i te fenua Taina mai te tau mai â 2004


Faarava'iraa ia'na iho/

M6 x 1.0 Stainless Steel Self-cutting Sleeve with Three Bores

I'oa o te tauihaa M6 x 1.0 Stainless Steel Self-cutting Sleeve with Three Bores
I'oa pii Boerane
Te rapaauraa i nia i te iri Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa
Materia Te mau auri aita e auri303(1.4305)
Huru 308 cutting bores
Taime faaiteiteraa Te tuhaa ahuru
Faaohiparaa Te mau tere na ni'a i,Te mau mana'o tauturu no te,Te mau matini, Te mau pereoo uira e te tahi atu mau ohipa
Hi'opo'araa i te nuuraa o te ohipa Te mau faito o te matini,Hi'opo'araa i te nuuraa o te ohipa
Vahi no te haamataraa Shen Zhen,Taina
Parau Faahanahanaraa na te Tepure ISO 9001:2015;TE MAU NOTA 16949:2016;TE MAU NOTA
TUHAA PURERAA NO TE A MAHANA MAA Te mau mea e fariihia
  • Te mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te hamaniraa
  • Packing & Delivery
  • Faauta-uira-raa o te buka faaiteite

M6 x 1.0 Stainless Steel Self-cutting Sleeve with Three Bores is designed for creating robust, high-strength, wear-resistant, and vibration-resistant screw connections in materials with low shear strength. These materials include aluminum and aluminum alloys, brass, bronze, cast iron, duro, and thermoplastics.

These threaded inserts feature a tapered bottom and three cutting bores, allowing them to cut their own threads when inserted into a receiver hole. This ensures a completely secure and stable anchoring in the host material.

The threaded inserts with cutting bores are specifically engineered for materials that are challenging to machine. The thicker wall design enables them to withstand greater cutting forces, which are evenly distributed across the three cutting bores.






Te papa'iraa aita. A Internal thread E External thread P Pitch L Length SW Hexagonal socket D Minimum borehole depth for blind holes
L 307…01 M3 5 0.6 4 6
L 308…01 6 8
L 307…02 M3.5 6 0.8 5 7
L 308…02 8 10
L 307…03 M4 6.5 0.8 6 3.2 8
L 308…03 8 10
L 307…04 M5 8 1 7 4.1 9
L 308.. .04 10 13
L 307…05 M6 10 1.25 8 4.9 10
L 308…05 12 15
L 307…06 M8 12 1.5 9 6.6 11
L 308…06 14 17
L 307…07 M10 14 1.5 10 8.3 13
L 308…07 18 22
L .307..08 M12 16 1.75 12 10.1 15
L 308…08 22 26
L 307…09 M14 18 2 14 17
L 308..09 24 28
L 307…10 M16 20 2 14 17
L 308…10 24 28

Q: E taiete tapihoo anei outou aore ra e taata hamani tauihaa anei?

A: E taata hamani tatou i ni'a 20 te mau matahiti i Shen Zhen,Taina .

Q: Eaha te maororaa o ta outou taime fanauraa?

A: I te rahiraa o te taime, o te 3 te mau mahana mai te mea e, te vai ra te mau tao'a. e aore râ, e 7 mahana mai te mea e, aita te mau tao'a i roto i te afata, e au te reira i te rahiraa.

Q: Te horo'a ra anei outou i te tahi mau hi'oraa? E mea tamoni ore anei e aore râ, e mea hau anei?

A: E, e nehenehe ta tatou e horo'a i te tahi mau hi'oraa no te tamoni ore, aita râ e moni ava'e.

Q: Eaha ta oe mau parau aufauraa?

A: Te aufauraa<=5000USD, 100% na mua a'e. Te aufauraa>=5000USD, 30% T/T na mua a'e ,Te aifaitoraa na mua a'e i te haponoraa. Manava i te tahi atu mau parau.

Q: Eaha ta oe moni hoo?


Q: Eaha te huru o ta outou tao'a?

A: I roto i ta tatou mau tauihaa, te vai ra te mau ponao taviri, faaôraa ia'na iho i roto i te fifi, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, te mauihaa no te tuu atu i roto i te mau matini roro uira, te mau tauihaa no te tata'iraa i te taura, e te tahi atu â. Te faaohipa nei tatou i te mau ture huru rau mai te GB, ISO, DIN, TE MAU NOTA, AISI NFE, BSW, e te vai atu ra., e ia farii atoa i te mau tao'a e ere i ta te Ekalesia.

Q: Nafea ia haapapu i te huru maitai o te mau tuhaa tapihaa?

A: Ua tae tatou i ni'a i te tahua aroraa i ni'a i te 20 te mau matahiti e te mau iteraa rau. E te vai ra 5 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, Te vai nei to tatou ite (Hi'opo'araa i te tereraa o te ohipa), IPQCS (i roto i te tuhaa no te hi'opo'araa i te tereraa o te ohipa), FQC (hi'opo'araa hopea) e OQC (Hi'opo'araa i te tereraa o te ohipa) no te hi'opo'a i te tereraa tata'itahi o te hamaniraa i te mau tuhaa o te tapihaa.

Q: No te aha e ti'a'i ia'u ia ma'iti ia oe? Eaha to outou mau maitai?

A: Ua riro tatou ei taata aravihi i te pae no te hamaniraa e te faatereraa i te mau faufaa e rave rahi i roto i te ohipa hamaniraa tao'a. E nehenehe ta tatou e horo'a i ta tatou mau hoani i te mau rave'a maitai no te hamani i te hoho'a, te mau rave'a apî no te hamaniraa, Te faanahoraa e te taviniraa i muri a'e i te misioni. Te aau mauruuru o ta tatou ïa titauraa hoê roa.

Mauruuru no to oe taime! To outou mauruuru e to outou mana'o maitai, o ta tatou ïa titauraa mure ore!

Mai te mea e uiraa ê atu ta outou, e ti'amâraa to tatou no te faatîtî'airu ia tatou i te mau taime atoa .


Te mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te pu: 1. puohu papie e aore râ, puohu uraina 2. Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa 3. Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e

Te opereraa

E nehenehe matou e horoa e rave rahi mau ravea haponoraa no ta outou mau tao'a, tae noa'tu i te miti e te mata'i, e tae noa'tu i te mau faaiteraa e rave rahi: DHL/FedEx/UPS/TNT/SF/EMS, e te tahi atu â .


Hou te tahuti nei:

I muri iho:

A vaiiho i te hoê pahonoraa

88 + = 94

A vaiiho i te hoê poro'i

    + 75 = 81