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Te mau tao'a e hoo - rahi - roa ' ' e - hia i te fenua Taina mai te tau mai â 2004


Te ite

Nahea ia faaohipa i te taura niuniu uira no te tuu i te mau mauhaa no te tapa'oraa ?

The following types of tools are needed when installing wire thread inserts:

Special tools for wire thread inserts are required to install wire thread inserts, which mainly include special taps for wire thread inserts, installation wrenches for wire thread inserts, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, sleeve removers and bottom hole plug gauges for internal threads of wire thread inserts. I rotopu ia ratou, taps are used for processing The installation thread bottom hole of the wire thread insert, the installation wrench is used to install the wire thread insert, the punch is used to punch the installation tail handle, the sleeve remover is used to remove the thread insert, e e faaohipahia te apoo i raro i te apoo no te hi'opo'a i te apoo i raro i te fenua.

1. Te apoo i raro i te fenua: used for processing the internal thread of the wire thread insert. No te mea ho'i e, te taura rapae o te taura niuniu, e ere ïa i te taura, there is a difference in size between this tap and the ordinary M tap.

2. Installation wrench: used to install the wire screw sleeve in the threaded bottom hole. The basic principle is to make the wire screw sleeve pass through a guide thread, forcing the outer diameter of the wire screw sleeve to shrink so that it can be smoothly installed into the bottom hole. E vahihia te reira i roto i te mau buka haapiiraa. e te hoho'a pata.

3. Breaker: The main purpose of the breaker is to break the installation handle of the wire thread sleeve. No te mau apoo iho â râ, e ti'a ia ofatihia te tape'araa no te tapa'oraa.

4. Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa: used to remove the wire thread sleeve installed in the threaded hole of the base body. E mea ti'a ia monohia te taura no te faaohipa-maoro-raa, e ia hinaaro-ana'e-hia te reira, no te mea ïa e, aita te reira i tano e aore râ, aita i tano i te taime no te tapa'oraa i te reira. faaohipa.

5. Thread plug gauge: used to detect the bottom hole of the internal thread of the wire thread insert. I muri a'e i te haamauraahia te taura niuniu, the accuracy of the internal thread formed depends on the profile manufacturing tolerance of the wire thread insert and the quality of the internal thread bottom hole of the wire thread insert. tolerance.

Hou te tahuti nei:

I muri iho:

A vaiiho i te hoê pahonoraa

54 − 45 =

A vaiiho i te hoê poro'i

    99 − 92 =