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Крупнейший экспортер резьбовых вставок Китай производитель с 2004


О нас

Shen Zhen Boerane Technology Co., Ltd была основана в 2004, it is a professional production and manufacturing enterprise integrating technology research and development, product manufacturing and sales of Вставка для блокировки ключей, Самонарезающая вставка, Бесхвостая резьбовая вставка, Вставка проволочной резьбы, Монтажный инструмент и комплект для ремонта резьбы ,и так далее. С сильной технической силой развития, good design level, Современное производственное оборудование и высокоточное испытательное оборудование, Специализируется на предоставлении клиентам технической поддержки всего процесса проектирования и использования резьбовых вставок.

Boerane’s R&D and production team is proficient in the design and manufacturing core technology of fastener products such as key locking insert,  Самонарезающая вставка, Вставка проволочной резьбы, Вставка с бесшпушной резьбой, and the supporting tool edge measuring tools. It is specialized in providing customers with pre-sales, in-process and after-sales solutions such as type selection, sample verification, establishment of batch pneumatic and electric installation lines, daily use and maintenance guarantee, и так далее. Boerane has committed to technological innovation and sophisticated processing of products, and has rich successful experience in basic research, new product development, process innovation, equipment improvement, production control, quality management, market development, и так далее.

Boerane can produce threaded insert products that meet corresponding standards according to customer requirements. For aerospace, shipbuilding and other units, they can be produced according to national standards (GJB119.1A-119.4A, GJB5107-GJB5110) and standards of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (HB5513-HB5516, HB6200-HB6202); For the units of high-voltage electrical industrial components, they can be produced according to the standards of the Ministry of Machinery Industry (JB/T7604.1-7604.4); For general mechanical parts, it can be produced according to national standards (GB/T24425.1-24425.3); For European, American and other foreign customers, it can be produced according to MS21209, DIN8140, N926, ITN32760, MO-44421 and other standards. We have passed and strictly implemented the “ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System” and “ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System”, and paid attention to emission reduction and waste elimination while ensuring the development of the company, so as to contribute to the protection of the earth environment cause where we live together.

The company covers an area of 7000 square meters. Building area: Plant 1: 2000 square meters; Plant 2: 1000 square meters, with an annual output value of more than 5 million USD. At present, the company has more than 80 Сотрудников, включая 5 senior executives and 12 R&D technical teams.

В 2004, Xinhua Changling Machinery Factory was established;

В 2009, the company increased capital; changed its name to Shenzhen Boerane Technology Co., Ltd.; passed ISO9001 certification;

В 2012, established stable cooperation with a number of well-known enterprises; export trade began to take shape; became a manufacturer qualified for the Canton Fair in the domestic fastener industry;

В 2014, the scale was expanded; independent research and development of efficient and stable production equipment; products exported to Europe, America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other countries;

В 2016, the number of global users of our products increased to more than 300; more than 40 independent research and development equipment were exported to the United States; the annual output value increased significantly;

В 2019, the tailless thread insert was successfully developed and mass production was realized; a new factory was invested to expand the scale twice, and more advanced production equipment was developed and added;

В 2020, the main R&D and sales direction of tailless thread insert and automatic installation will be to mass-produce the full range of tailless thread insert and become the leading enterprise of tailless thread insert in China;

В 2021, it will be awarded the title of “National High-tech Enterprise Certificate”, “Science and Technology-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprise” and the 16949 Quality Management System Certification;

В 2023, Expanded the brand and internationalization; Global layout of agents, Serve the military industry enterprises.

“Professional focus, building a brand” is the business goal of Boerane, and “quality assurance, reliable price” is the business purpose of Boerane.

The company promises: adhere to the “integrity, pioneering” spirit of enterprise, to provide customers with high-quality products and services.

Our Team

Крис Танг

Директор по продажам

Шэрон Цинь

Менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами

Фред Тенг

Asia Sales Manager

Карисса Вэй

Инженер по продажам

Виктор Тан

Торговый представитель

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