Metric Miniature Stainless Steel Key Locking Insert provide high strength and are designed to provide high resistance to rotation and pullout loads. Tom qab plahaum rau hauv lub qhov tapped, Lub locking tseem ceeb rau txhua qhov tseem ceeb inserts yog uas tau tsav los ntawm cov threads ntawm tus niam txiv khoom, xauv lub insert nrees thiab zwm rau hauv qhov chaw. Muaj nyob rau hauv nti thiab metric thread loj, Tus stainless hlau solid bushing configuration ntawm tus Keys inserts guarantees qhov zoo ntawm tus tseev tsim ntiaj teb thread ua ntej plahaum. Tsis muaj cov cuab yeej tshwj xeeb yuav tsum tau nruab nrab thiab txheem taps thiab drills siv rau lub qhov npaj. Tus ua ntej assembled nws tus kheej broaching tseem ceeb teev lub insert rau qhov tob thiab xyuas kom zoo kuj tiv thaiv kev sib lwj.
Ntaub: Nyob rau hauv Stainless Steel – 303 sib npaug
Yuam Sij – 302 CRES los yog sib npaug
tas: Hlau stainless Hlau – passivated
Kam rau ua: ±.010 nti los yog ±.25 mm tshwj tsis yog specified txwv tsis pub.

naj npawb |
dimensions |
txheej txheem “KNCM" |
thom khwm “KNCML” |
Internal thread Ø Tol.- 5H |
External thread Ø Tol.- 4h |
Shear khu mm² |
L1 土0,25 |
L4 |
KNCM2X0,4 |
M2X0,4 |
M4X0,7 |
16,5 |
3 |
KNCML2X0,4 |
10,3 |
2,2 |
KNCM2,5X0,45 |
M2,5X0,45 |
M4,5X0,75 |
26,5 |
3,8 |
KNCML2,5X0,45 |
15,9 |
2,7 |
KNCM3X0,5 |
M3X0,5 |
M5X0,8 |
33,1 |
4,25 |
KNCML3X0,5 |
21,4 |
3,1 |
KNCM4X0,7 |
M4X0,7 |
M6X0,75 |
58.4 |
5,25 |
KNCML4X0,7 |
42,9 |
4,1 |
naj npawb |
Sib sib zog pom dimensions |
Tshem tawm dimensions |
Tub ntxhais-ø* |
+0,25 |
Plahaum thread |
Tes plahaum cuab yeej cuab tam-tsis muaj. |
thom |
xov.- 6H |
Qhov tob L2 min. |
Ø |
qhov tob |
KNCM2X0,4 |
3.4 +0. 00 -0,025 |
4,1 |
M4X0,7 |
4,0 |
KRTM2-01 |
2,8 |
2,00 |
KNCML2X0,4 |
KNCM2,5X0,45 |
3.9 +0.00 -0,025 |
4,6 |
M4,5X0,75 |
5,0 |
KRTM2,5-01 |
3,0 |
2,00 |
KNCML2,5X0,45 |
KNCM3X0,5 |
4,4 +0,080 -0.025 |
5,1 |
M5X0,8 |
5,5 |
KRTM301 |
3,5 |
2.25 |
KNCML3X0,5 |
KNCM4X0,7 |
5,5 +0,080-0,025 |
6,1 |
M6X0,75 |
6.5 |
KRTM401 |
4,6 |
2,50 |
KNCML4X0,7 |
Q: Koj yog ib lub tuam txhab trading los yog ib manufacturer?
A: Peb yog ib tug manufacturer lawm 20 Xyoo hauv Shen Zhen,Tuam Tshoj .
Q: Koj tus me nyuam lub sij hawm ntev npaum li cas?
A: Feem ntau nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev 3 hnub yog hais tias cov khoom muaj nyob rau hauv Tshuag. los yog nws yog 7days yog hais tias cov khoom yuav tsis nyob rau hauv Tshuag, Nws yog raws li quantity.
Q: Koj muab cov qauv samples? Nws yog dawb los yog ntxiv?
A: Muaj, Peb yuav muab tau qauv rau dawb, Tab sis tsis shipping nqi tes.
Q: Koj cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm yog dab tsi?
A: Them Nyiaj Yug Me Nyuam<=5000USD, 100% Ua ntej. Them Nyiaj Yug Me Nyuam>=5000USD, 30% T/T ua ntej ,tshuav nyiaj li cas ua ntej shippment. Txais tos rau lwm cov nqe lus.
Q: Koj nqe lus hais txog dab tsi?
Q: Koj cov khoom ntau yam khoom yog dab tsi?
A: Peb cov khoom ntau yam muaj xws li tseem ceeb locking insert, coj mus rhaub, xov npog, tailless thread insert installation cuab yeej, kho cov khoom siv, thiab lwm yam. Peb nruj me ntsis siv ntau yam zoo xws li GB, ISO, DIN, JIS, AISI NFE, BSW, li ntawd., thiab kuj yuav txais cov khoom uas tsis yog-txheem.
Q: Yuav lav tau qhov zoo tshaj ntawm Industrial qhov chaw?
A: Peb tau nyob fastener teb dua 20 xyoo uas muaj kev kawm tas nrho. Thiab muaj cov 5 cov tshev mis rau tag nrho cov txheej txheem tseem, Peb muaj IQC (tswj), IPQCS (txheej txheem tswj seem), FQC (tswj) thiab OQC (tawm-mus tswj) Tswj txhua txoj kev industrial qhov chaw ntau lawm.
Q: Vim li cas kuv thiaj xaiv tau koj? Koj kom zoo dua?
A: Peb yog ib tug manufacturer manufacturer uas muaj ntau xyoo ntau lawm thiab tswj kev nyob hauv daim teb ntawm fasteners. Peb yuav muab peb cov neeg muas zaub uas muaj cov tshuaj zoo ntawd ntau lawm tsim, ntau lawm tshuab, ntim thiab tom qab muag khoom. Cov neeg muas zaub txaus siab yog peb caum qab pursuit.
Ua tsaug rau koj lub sij hawm! Koj siab thiab zoo feedback yog peb eternal pursuit!
Yog koj muaj lus nug, pls txav uas tsis pub peb txhua lub sij hawm .
Pob khoom kom paub meej: 1. ntaub ntawv packing los yog yas packing 2. carton packing 3. ntoo packing
tus me nyuam
Peb yuav muab ntau shipping txoj kev rau koj cov khoom, xws li hiav txwv thiab cua, As Well as ntau expresses: DHL/FedEx/UPS/TNT/SF/EMS, li ntawd, thiab thiaj li .

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