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L-Akbar Esportatur ta 'Thread idaħħal il-Manifattur taċ-Ċina Peress li 2004



What are the installation tools for wire thread inserts?

installation tools for wire thread insert

Installation tools for wire thread insert

Inserzjonijiet tal-ħajt tal-wajer, also known as Helicoil inserts or threaded inserts, are used to strengthen or repair threads in various materials, particularly in metal. There are several tools and methods for installing wire thread inserts, and the specific tool you need may depend on the type and size of the insert you are using.

Special tools for wire thread inserts are required for installation, mainly including special taps for wire thread inserts, wire thread insert installation wrenches, puntelli, sleeve removers and wire thread insert internal thread bottom hole plug gauges. Fosthom, taps are used to process wire thread inserts. The installation thread bottom hole, the installation wrench is used to install the wire thread sleeve, the puncher is used to punch the installation tail handle, the sleeve remover is used to remove the thread sleeve, u l-qies standard tal-plagg tat-toqba tal-qiegħ jintuża biex jispezzjona t-toqba tal-qiegħ tal-installazzjoni.

1. Vit tat-toqba tal-qiegħ: Used for processing the internal thread of the wire thread insert. Peress li l-ħajta esterna tal-inserzjoni tal-ħajta tal-wajer hija ħajta mhux standard, this tap is different in size from the ordinary M tap.

2. Wrench tal-installazzjoni: Used to install the wire thread insert in the threaded bottom hole. The basic principle is to make the wire thread insert pass through a guide thread, forcing the outer diameter of the wire thread insert to shrink so that it can be smoothly installed into the bottom hole. Huwa maqsum f'tipi manwali. u t-tip awtomatiku.

3. Breaker: The main purpose of the breaker is to break the installation handle. Speċjalment għal permezz ta 'toqob, il-manku tal-installazzjoni għandu jinkiser.

4. Remover tal-kmiem: Used to remove the wire thread sleeve installed in the threaded hole of the base body. Il-kmiem tal-ħajta jeħtieġ li jiġu sostitwiti għal użu fit-tul, u meta jkun meħtieġ li jitneħħa minħabba installazzjoni mhux xierqa jew qbiż tal-ħajt waqt l-installazzjoni. Użu.

5. Gauge tal-plagg tal-ħajta: Used to detect the bottom hole of the internal thread when the wire thread insert is installed. Wara li jiġi installat l-inserzjoni tal-ħajta tal-wajer, the accuracy of the internal thread formed depends on the manufacturing tolerance of the profile of the wire thread insert and the tolerance of the internal thread bottom hole.

The choice of installation tool and method depends on the specific requirements of your project, the size of the wire thread insert, the material you’re working with, and your desired level of precision. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines for the specific type of wire thread insert you’re using.


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