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What is the difference between a keensert and helicoil?

The Keensert and Helicoil are both threaded inserts used for repairing or strengthening threads, but they have distinct differences:

Basic Information
Keensert: A solid bushing style insert threaded on both the inside and outside with keys on top.
Helicoil: A precision-formed continuous wire coil resembling a spring.

Keensert: Features keys or wedges on top that are hammered into grooves through the threads to lock the insert in place.
Helicoil: Has a diamond-shaped helically formed wire coil that screws into a threaded hole to form a mating internal thread.

Keensert: Easier to install than Helicoil, as it doesn’t require a special installation tool and there’s no tang to remove.
Helicoil: Requires a special tool for installation, and the tang (if present) needs to be removed.

Strength and Durability
Keensert: Stronger than Helicoil, especially in high-temperature and high-torque environments.
Helicoil: Provides permanent, wear-resistant threads but is less strong than Keensert.

Keensert: More expensive than Helicoil.
Helicoil: Considerably less expensive than Keensert.

Typical Applications
Keensert: Used in heavy-wear, high-vibration, high-heat situations where space saving isn’t a concern and hole depth is limited. Common in aerospace assemblies like transmission housings and suspension units.
Helicoil: Ideal for reducing costs and minimizing space. Suitable for creating permanent strong threads in softer materials like aluminum, titanium, and magnesium alloys in lower heat environments.

Keenserts are better for high-strength applications and environments with high temperatures and torque, while Helicoils are more cost-effective and suitable for softer materials and lower heat environments.


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