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Le differenze tra Tipo 307 e 308 inserti autofilettanti

Digitare 307 Inserti autofilettanti:

1. Trattamento dei materiali e delle superfici: Digitare 307 Gli inserti autofilettanti sono tipicamente realizzati in acciaio al carbonio con un trattamento superficiale parkerizzato, fornendo ulteriore resistenza alla corrosione.

2. Applicazione: Digitare 307 self-tapping inserts are usually used to repair or reinforce threaded holes, particularly suitable for soft metals such as aluminum or magnesium.

3. Tratti somatici: They have high strength and durability, enhancing thread connections for reliable performance.

4. Specifications: The specifications and sizes of Type 307 self-tapping inserts vary according to requirements, typically suitable for specific hole sizes.

Digitare 308 Inserti autofilettanti:

1. Trattamento dei materiali e delle superfici: Digitare 308 self-tapping inserts are typically made of stainless steel (such as 303 stainless steel) and undergo passivation treatment to improve corrosion resistance.

2. Applicazione: Digitare 308 self-tapping inserts are usually used to repair or reinforce threads and are used in environments where higher corrosion resistance is required.

3. Tratti somatici: They have similar functionality to Type 307 inserts, but due to the use of stainless steel materials, they are more suitable for use in environments requiring corrosion resistance.

4. Specifications: The specifications and sizes of Type 308 self-tapping inserts also vary according to requirements, typically suitable for specific hole sizes.

The main differences between Type 307 and Type 308 self-tapping inserts lie in the material and surface treatment, as well as differences in their application environments and specific purposes.



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