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Difficoltà tecniche dell'inserto filettato senza codolo

L'inserto filettato senza codolo viene utilizzato per riparare i danni alla filettatura. Le sue difficoltà tecniche comprendono principalmente i seguenti aspetti:

1. Selezione del materiale: La scelta del materiale giusto è fondamentale per le prestazioni dell'inserto senza filettatura. This material needs to have sufficient strength and corrosion resistance to ensure good performance of the repaired threads.

2. Installation Technique: Installing a threadless insert requires precise technique to ensure that it is properly embedded in the damaged threads and fully integrated with the surrounding material to prevent loosening or falling off.

3. Thread design: Designing thread structures suitable for different application scenarios is a technical challenge. Different thread sizes and shapes need to be designed on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the threadless insert can effectively repair damaged threads.

4. Process control: Manufacturing tailless threaded inserts requires strict process control to ensure that the size and quality of each threaded insert can meet the requirements. This includes material processing, heat treatment, surface treatment and other process links.

5. Performance Verification: It is critical to verify the performance of the repaired threads of the threadless insert. This includes tensile, torsion, dethreading and other tests to ensure that the repaired threads can withstand the load and service conditions required by the design.

In general, the technical difficulties of tailless threaded inserts lie in material selection, installation technology, thread design, process control and performance verification, and so on., which need to be comprehensively considered and solved.



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