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Precauzioni per l'utilizzo di inserti filettati autofilettanti

Gli inserti filettati autofilettanti sono un dispositivo di fissaggio comunemente usato la cui funzione principale è quella di rinforzare i fori filettati o riparare i danni alla filettatura. Quando si utilizzano inserti filettati autofilettanti, È necessario prestare attenzione ai seguenti punti:

1. Choose appropriate specifications and models
Self-tapping thread inserts are available in a variety of specifications and models, usually based on the size of the threaded hole and the load that needs to be withstood. Using self-tapping thread inserts that do not meet the specifications may cause problems such as loosening and air leakage, and reduce their service life.

2. Confirm the size and depth of the threaded hole
Before installing a self-tapping threaded insert, you need to measure the size and depth of the threaded hole to select the appropriate type and length of the self-tapping threaded insert. If the length of the self-tapping threaded insert is too short, it may not be completely fixed in the threaded hole; if the length is too long, the threaded hole may be damaged and the firmness of the self-tapping threaded insert may be affected.

3. Pay attention to the installation direction and angle
When installing a self-tapping threaded insert, you need to pay attention to the installation direction and angle to ensure it is correctly positioned in the threaded hole. It is generally recommended to use special tools to install self-tapping thread inserts instead of manual installation to ensure accuracy and firmness.

4. Make sure the threaded holes are clean
Before installing the self-tapping thread insert, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the thread residue, grease, dust and other substances in the threaded hole. If it is not cleaned, the installation and tightening performance of the self-tapping thread insert may be affected.

5. Control tightening strength
When fixing the self-tapping threaded sleeve into the threaded hole, the tightening strength needs to be controlled to avoid being too tight or too loose. The appropriate tightening strength should be determined according to the depth of the threaded hole and the usage requirements to ensure the firm performance of the self-tapping thread insert.

Quando si utilizzano inserti filettati autofilettanti, you need to pay attention to selecting appropriate specifications and models, determining the size and depth of the threaded holes, paying attention to the installation direction and angle, ensuring that the threaded holes are clean, and controlling the tightening intensity. Only by using the self-tapping screw sleeve correctly can its normal service life and fastening performance be ensured.



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