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Grutste eksporteur fan thread-ynfoegingen Sina fabrikant sûnt 2004



Wat binne de ynstallaasje ark foar Helicoil Inserts?

To install a Helicoil insert (ek bekend as in tried thread ynfoegje), in rige fan spesjalisearre ark binne nedich om te soargjen dat de ynfoegje is korrekt en feilich ynstallearre yn de basis materiaal. Here are the commonly used tools for installing a Helicoil insert:

1.Drill Bit: Used to drill a hole in the base material to prepare for tapping. The diameter of the drill bit should be selected based on the size of the Helicoil insert.

2. Tap: Used to cut threads into the drilled hole, which will accommodate the external threads of the Helicoil insert. The tap’s thread specifications must match the external threads of the Helicoil insert.

3. Installation Tool: This tool is specifically designed to screw the Helicoil insert into the pre-tapped hole. Installation tools are available in both manual and automatic versions. The manual tool is similar to a screwdriver with a driving rod, while the automatic tool might be powered by electricity or air pressure.

4. Tang Break Tool: Helicoil inserts usually have a tang (a small tab) on one end to assist with installation. After the insert is installed, the tang needs to be broken off using a tang break tool to allow bolts or screws to pass through smoothly.

5. Inspection Gauge: Used to check if the installed Helicoil insert has reached the required depth and position. There are go/no-go gauges that verify the precision of the threads and the quality of the installation.

6. Extraction Tool: If a Helicoil insert needs to be removed or replaced, an extraction tool is used to pull it out from the hole. This tool usually has hooks or threads to grab onto the insert and twist it out.

These tools work together during the installation process to ensure the accuracy and security of the Helicoil insert, thereby extending the lifespan of the threaded connection.



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