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Aplicación de insertos de rosca de alambre en motores de motocicletas y automóviles

Aplicación de insertos de rosca de alambre en motores de motocicletas y automóviles

The wire thread insert can improve the thread strength of the screw hole. En el mantenimiento de automóviles, it can effectively enhance the wear resistance and strength of the spark plug inner hole thread; the wire thread insert can significantly improve the thread strength of the aluminum alloy cylinder block threaded connector.

1. Application of wire thread inserts in automobile maintenance:

Due to high temperature, large vibration and impact, and frequent disassembly, the inner hole of the engine spark plug is prone to wear and tripping, causing premature scrapping of the cylinder head. The use of rib sheaths not only improves the thread’s ability to withstand temperature differences, but also improves wear resistance, which can prevent screw hole wear and lead to thread slipping and premature scrapping of parts.

2. Application of wire thread inserts in motorcycle cylinder blocks:

The crankcase and cylinder block of motorcycle engines are aluminum alloy castings with small structure and light weight, while the threaded connectors on the body have to withstand large working forces (such as cylinder heads) Pernos) and the requirements for the strength of the screw holes are higher. A common method is to use threaded connections with relatively large sizes to withstand greater working tension. For example, cylinder head bolts, M6 bolts can meet the strength requirements. Sin embargo, in order to ensure that the screw holes on the crankcase can withstand greater working tension, M8 connecting threads with larger diameters are used. Although this can solve the problem of screw hole strength, it increases the processing cost of the bolt. Tests have proven that the use of embedded rib sheaths can increase the strength of screw holes by more than 20%. Por lo tanto, using a rib sheath to form a screw hole on the body can meet the requirements for high-strength screw connection.




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