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Wie führt der Keensert die Fadenreparaturfunktion aus??

Keensert ist eine Art Gewindeeinsatz, Allgemein bekannt als Schlüsselverriegelungseinsatz oder spiralförmiger Einsatz. Threaded inserts like Keenserts are used to repair damaged threads or provide stronger threads in materials with low strength, wie Aluminium oder Magnesium. Here’s how a Keensert performs a thread repair function:

1. Design: Keenserts have a unique design featuring external threads and a series of keys or tangs along the length of the insert. These keys are slotted or notched metal strips that are coiled into the insert during manufacturing.

2. Installation: To install a Keensert, a pre-wound insert is threaded into a tapped hole that matches its external threads. The insert is then expanded using a special installation tool. As the insert is expanded, the keys or tangs are forced into the tapped threads in the hole’s wall.

3. Locking Mechanism: Once fully installed, the keys or tangs embed themselves into the parent material, creating a mechanical lock that prevents the insert from rotating or backing out. This locking mechanism enhances the stability and strength of the threaded connection.

4. Gewindeverstärkung: The helical design of the insert provides a new set of internal threads, often with a larger diameter than the original damaged threads. This not only repairs the damaged threads but also reinforces the connection, often providing better strength and load-carrying capacity than the original threads.

5. Materialverträglichkeit: Keenserts can be used in a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, und Verbundwerkstoffe. This makes them versatile for a range of applications where thread repair or reinforcement is necessary.

6. Applications: Keenserts are commonly used in aerospace, selbstfahrend, and other industries where threaded connections are critical. They are particularly useful in situations where the parent material is softer or weaker, as they provide a stronger and more durable threaded connection.

Keenserts perform a thread repair function by embedding keys or tangs into the existing threads of a tapped hole, creating a secure and mechanically locked connection. They also provide new, reinforced threads for improved strength and durability.



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