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El major exportador de rosca insereix el fabricant de la Xina des de 2004



Què hem de fer si la inserció roscada està solta?

Threaded inserts are common fasteners used to connect mechanical components. Tanmateix, due to prolonged use or other factors, threaded inserts may become loose, affecting the stability and safety of the machinery. So, how can we address the issue of loose threaded inserts? We will introduce some methods to deal with this problem as following.

1. Re-tightening: Loose threaded inserts may be a result of changes in the gap between the connected parts. In such cases, the solution is to re-tighten the threaded inserts. Use a wrench or other tools to tighten the inserts. If the inserts are damaged, it is advisable to replace them with new ones.

2. Rust Stain Cleaning: Threaded inserts exposed to a humid environment for an extended period are prone to rust, affecting their fastening ability. In this situation, rust stains need to be cleaned. Spray a rust remover on the affected areas, wait for a moment, and gently scrub with a wire brush. Then, use a wrench or other tools to tighten the inserts. It’s important to note that using acidic cleaning agents and hard tools may cause damage to the surface and internals of the inserts, so be cautious not to apply excessive force.

3. Material Reinforcement: If threaded inserts frequently become loose, consider using reinforced materials such as stainless steel or high-strength alloys. Such materials can enhance the fastening ability and durability of the threaded inserts.

4. Adding Anti-loosening Threadlocker: In situations where threaded inserts are constantly subjected to vibrations, leading to frequent loosening, the use of anti-loosening threadlocker is recommended. Anti-loosening threadlocker is a strong adhesive that can be applied to the threads, effectively preventing the threaded inserts from coming loose. When applying, use an appropriate amount, avoiding excessive application that may hinder the tightening of the inserts.

5. Change Connection Methods: If threaded inserts consistently become loose, consider changing to alternative connection methods such as welding or riveting. These methods are often more reliable in terms of mechanical stability and safety compared to threaded inserts.

In conclusion, loose threaded inserts can have adverse effects on mechanical performance and safety, requiring timely resolution. The provided methods can effectively address the issue of loose threaded inserts. During usage, it is recommended to regularly inspect the fastening status of threaded inserts to ensure both mechanical performance and safety.



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